Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wealth and Spirituality

This month’s newsletter is about wealth and the many misnomers related to wealth and spirituality.  Just talking about wealth may send shudders down peoples backs, especially if you are into spirituality.  First off my definition of wealth so we are all on the same page. In this issue I am talking about financial wealth although the basic principals work in all areas of your life. When I say financial wealth I mean providing for you and yours at a level which is comfortable and you are "happy" with. This could mean a simple lifestyle to the huge mansions and fancy cars. What ever is right for you. There is no right or wrong here.  

There seems to be a disconnect between physical possessions and getting closer to your higher self, The One or God.  From here on I will be using the word God.  Many “spiritual” based individuals feel that physical possessions (i.e. money) will keep them from their true purpose or that possessions are the tool of the devil.  
In any religious scriptures there are passages about wealth, greed and how it will lead you to hell.  
Let’s take a closer look at these myths and how they may have held you back from spiritual abundance and enlightenment.
Can you complete these phrases?  
Money is the root of all _______________
Wealthy people are ____________________
Money doesn’t grow on _______________
There are a multitude of phrases like this that we all have grown up with.  We learn these from our parents, church and media.  Here are a couple of facts for you to think about.
What is the wealthiest corporation in the world?  If you thought Walmart, you are incorrect.  It’s the Roman Catholic Church. If money is the sure path to hell why then do they have such a high concentration of wealth?  Is this one of those “do as I say not what I do” situations? If the church is not following what they think the bible says should you?  (Note: I’m not knocking religion. I’m just inquisitive to find out the truth.)  Let’s actually take a look at what Jesus says about wealth. In parable 15 “The Rich Fool”.

 Many people think that it is about greed, hoarding, laziness,  and that wealth is bad. However, from my mediations, it is more about tapping into a frequency where everything is provided for you. It is talking about the laws of abundance, positive thought, and circulation.  So the wealthy man had tapped into higher frequencies which enabled him to have consistent and effortless material supply.  It then goes into what happens when materials get hoarded and not allowed to move freely through one’s life.  

From here the man falters away from his path.  This is not to say that celebration or phyiscal pleasures is bad.  He is warning us that when we reap benefits of our spiritual quest, we will grow in all areas of our life.  But if we lose sight and fall prey to the physical reality, we stop relying on  spiritual laws and rely on the elements of material security. We start to believe that our security comes from the money or, in this parable, the vast amounts of grain verses God. 

The parable further goes on to talk about how everything is provided for the grass and animals effortlessly.  This is the part that is very important.  Many people tap into specific frequencies that provide satisfaction in certain areas of their life such as wealth, but they are lacking in other areas. Thus the saying money can’t buy happiness and so on.  At first glance money looks to be the culprit to their issues. Money like anything else is just a tool in this world.  It is neither good or bad, it is what you make it.  If we take a closer look at what Jesus said in the parable we find our answer.  If you connect with your spirit/God and focus just on that connection (the way I show people how to meditate). Do not worry or focus on having things such as money, great relationships, health or even food. Concentrate on being connected then you start the flow of true abundance where what you need comes to you.  This is not saying that it just falls in your lap. However, the journey becomes pleasurable and exciting.  There is also a sense that whatever “hardship” encountered can be handled. 
As you can deduce from this meditation... the parable is talking about a state of being and not any physical qualities. 

This is the main essence of what I do when I work on people. I help you connect to your higher self.  In these higher realms your issues burn off, exposing your true essence much like the sun burning off layers it’s touched as you get closer to it.  There are too many facets of this parable to cover in a newsletter.  I have just covered the gist of it.
Let’s move on to other fallacies of wealth or the lack thereof.  Here are more stats to ponder:
“The top 1% of taxpayers pay about 40% of all income taxes, the top 10% pay 71%, and the top 50% pay 97% of all taxes. The bottom 50% pays less than 3% of all income taxes paid. “
So if you think the wealthy are not paying their fair share, them reread the stats.  Most politicians use this as a ploy to get your vote.  The sad thing is it separates classes.  
Wealthy people are greedy.
This is a good one however looking at stats again we find that is not true at all.  Of course I’m not saying that there are not greedy rich people but I know a lot of greedy people that are not rich so I guess its not the money that makes us greedy.
Target gives on average over $3 million away every week in charitable donations, over $150 million per year. 
Bill Gates donates approximately 58% of his annual income. 
I can give you more stats as well as how much more being poor costs us as a result of crime and health issues.  That is another question to ponder. Why if you are wealthy are you in better health?  Quality of food and better health care is just a minor factor. It is because of the higher frequencies that wealth is associated with. God never intended for you to be poor. In fact, quite the opposite is true.  God wants you to enjoy all that God created otherwise why would God create the finer things in life?  To tempt you into going to hell? What kind of god would do that?  

Most importantly read the last 3 sentences of the parable where he talks about God wanting to give you the kingdom.  Is God telling you to sacrifice and live below your means to achieve heaven after you're dead? No  God wants you to have the best things (Gods kingdom) in life now. 
Wrapping it up 
There are many insights and religious scriptures telling you to enjoy all that God has created for you. Being poor is not only a burden to yourself but to society as well. The only way to help poor people is to not be one of them. Let’s talk control and responsibility to connect to our higher self so the abundance flows into our lives as well as Earth as a whole. 
Note:  I am not saying that being poor is bad nor have I said that it’s good. I have nothing against poor people. In fact, I have experienced it myself quite vividly. It is just a state, I make no judgements. In my next newsletter I will discuss why there are calamities, starvation etc. 

Silver update:
In my last silver update, I mentioned that silver was due for a correction and alas it came.  My forecast was correct. From a high of $49 it has dropped to $34.48 an ounce in less than 12 days.  With a gold/silver ratio of 40, silver is starting to once again become very attractive.  As you can see from the chart silver has out performed other commodities. The top chart is the value of the US dollar. This is why getting out of the dollar is important. Silver will likely remain very volatile in the short-term, but it is best for us to ignore this short-term noise and focus on the long-term. There is simply no better asset to own during hyperinflation than silver.  

The masses are getting nervous about now wondering if they should hold on their silver or dump it.  That is how the “dumb” money gets shaken out.  Smart money buy when the masses are selling and vise versa. I am 100% sure that the gold/silver ratio will return to its historical average of 16 within a few years thus increasing your purchasing power. 

Most of the people who are taking profits on silver today are going long on U.S. dollars, which is the riskiest asset of all. Although the dollar will bounce here and there, it will continue it’s downward trend. Even though I knew silver was going to dip, I didn't sell any of our silver. I simply stopped buying silver in recent weeks.  
Although I believe silver may go down a little more to hit its 200 day moving average (200ma) like it has in the past. It will start moving up from there. I will be buying more silver this weekend.  In fact my wife and I will be going out for mothers day to buy silver.  Maybe I will get her silver or gold jewelry.  Great present that will go up in value.

How I buy silver:
There are many ways to buy silver so I suggest doing your own research.  Also, I am not a financial expert so before making any investment decisions please do your own research or consult an analyst. 
I buy physical silver at coin shows.  The margins are comparable or better than what you get elsewhere. I usually buy 1 troy ounce American eagle coins. I buy just for the silver content, they are not collector grade so I do not pay a premium.  I have also bought the mexican troy ounce coins as well.  I stay away from bullion or bars as it is harder to sell and easier to counterfeit. At coin shows usually there is no sales tax and there are no records kept.  This website lists some of the major coin shows by location.
I also invest in stock symbols SLV or AGQ. Both are silver ETFs (Electronically traded funds).  SLV pretty much mirrors the value of physical silver,  AGQ is SLV on steroids. Here is a snippet about AGQ Proshares that you can get off the web.
ProShares Ultra Silver is not an investment company regulated under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
This ETF seeks a return of 200% of the return of an benchmark (target) for a single day. Due to the compounding of daily returns, returns over periods other than one day will likely differ in amount and possibly direction from the target return for the same period. Investors should monitor their ProShares holdings consistent with their strategies, as frequent as daily. For more on correlation, leverage and other risks, please read the prospectus.
For example when silver went up $1 AGQ went up around $12.  The opposite is true as well.  on Thursday SLV was down $4.  AGQ was down $54, so you should have sufficient knowledge before trading the fund.  
I trade their options due to the leverage and the ability to short them when they are headed down. Remember when trading options you can easily lose part or all of your investment very quickly.  
There are many silver mining companies out there that are great investments as well so I encourage you to take a look at them. Pickle crow and silver wheaton are the ones I am invested in. 
Good luck and have what ever kind of day you desire. 
Mas Sajady
Quantum Healer, Medical Intuitive
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